south park steve

Hi. I'm Steve Hughes.

I am a synthetic chemist by training, but keen to explore more in the world of making.
A self taught coder who's beginning to understand how to make the hardware to go with it. I believe life is about constant learning and creating, and that being trained in one ascpet of life doesn't proclude you from forgeing a path in a different arena.

P.S. the avatar is nothing like me

What I do, and why I do it

I'm interested in learning how things work, and how I can make them work for me.
I'm a big believer in doing things for the social good, which is why my PhD was based on making medical imaging agents.
Having moved away from academia I would still like to affect some positive change on the world in any way I can.


PhD in Synthetic Chemistry. Currently employed as a material scientist. Making molecules and understanding how to use them is what I know.
See my CV here

Self taught coder

Not the best at anything, but happy to give it a go. I know some Python, HTML, CSS, and enough C/C++ to work my way around an Arduino IDE.
Some of my early code is on GitHub

Hardware hacker

Learning by doing. Making anything blink with lights, automating anything I can, and happy to play with power tools all day.
Check out my projects below

Here’s some of the projects I've been working on

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Travel expands the mind and offers new ideas

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Want some more info?

Feel free to drop me an email if you have any questions or would just like a chat

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